June 2024 blog

Election: Wipout!!!

Victoria Atkins seems invisible-a puppet controlled by Sunak and Treaury-refusing full pay restoration, as the Tories have no money left.
Streeting also denigrates frontline NHS workers, refuses FPR and received £150,000 from private healthcare profiteers...

Maybe an idea to vote against Streeting in Ilford, his constituency-to get him out: he is a very dangerous contender for the NHS and Social Care!!!

Keir Starmer £157,000
Stella Creasey£5,000
Yvette Cooper £231,817
Rachel Reeves £14,840
Angela Rayner £50.000
David Lammy £1,640
Wes Streeting £193,225

Essential reading

Whisteblowers Crucified

Physician Anaethetists: a criminal, concealed,cunning plan

NHS Dentistry


Jeremy Hunt, like recent Health Ministers, likes to rewrite history!!! In his book, Zero, he claims to achieve less harm, fewer deaths...

He says "all whistleblowers should speak freely, with no crucifiction by NHSE"

but, years later, NHSE and managers still crucify whisteblowers-leading to anxiety, depression, suicide, leaving medicine, divorce, bancrptcy.

He applied gross austerity-reducing staff, funds, doctors, nurses, beds

He forced JDs and staff into thinly spread 7 day working, without scanners, radiographers, MRIs, Catscans, beds or A&E funding to achieve this: after a damaging brutal strike action.

Jeremy Hunt and Murdoch BSkyB

Ed Miliband, had called for the resignation of the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, over allegations that he set up a private back channel to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation at a time when he was charged with making a quasi-judicial decision on whether to allow its takeover of BSkyB.

Miliband said the Conservative MP Hunt was "standing up for the interests of the Murdochs" rather than those of the British people, after it was alleged in evidence to the Levison inquiry that he had provided detailed information to James Murdoch on the state of the bid, as well as the thinking of the media regulator Ofcom.


Maggie split off cleaning and catering,
introduced purchaser provider (takes 15% of budget)
and Trust Hospitals, Foundation Trust hospitals.

Maggie brought in Sainsbury’s manager, Griffiths, who wanted general managers, not senior consultants to run hospitals.

Competition was to be king.

Foundation Trusts run their own affairs, trying to stay in the black, can sell land....

Hunt likes to have "solved" the Mid Staffs problem! Before attaining this status, mid Staffs cut spending on doctors, nurses, beds-and the real cause of problems was cutting money, not uncaring staff.

They then spent money, increased staff-and were later put into special measures…

In his book, Zero, he proclaims
the NHS is free-but wants to privatise it
to improve workforce
but wants 7 day working
allow whistleblowers-but still orders their crucifixion…

Jeremy Hunt co-authored a policy pamphlet that called for the NHS to be replaced by an insurance system.

The 2005 policy book, called Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party, was a collection of writings authored by a group of Tory MPs.
Amongst other ideas, the book contained a blueprint for replacing the NHS with an insurance market system – and called for the private sector to be brought in.
The public overwhelmingly blame Jeremy Hunt for junior doctors' strike
The Health Secretary is listed as one of the authors, though he has previously denied that he wrote the chapter on the NHS and says it does not reflect his views.
The book was presented as a whole and chapters are not marked with individual authors, however.
“We should fund patients, either through the tax system or by way of universal insurance, to purchase health care from the provider of their choice,” the book says on page 74.
It adds on page 78: “Our ambition should be to break down the barriers between private and public provision, in effect denationalising the provision of health care in Britain.”

Put together by Douglas Carswell, the book’s authors also included Tory MPs Michael Gove, Daniel Hannan, Greg Clark, David Gauke, and Kwasi Kwarteng.
The pamphlet briefly shot to fame in 2012, when Mr Hunt’s appointment as Health Secretary prompted Labour to highlight the book’s contents.
Then Shadow Health Secretary wrote a letter to Mr Hunt.
Andrew Marr reads junior doctors' letters to Jeremy Hunt
Call to stop tax avoiders bidding for NHS work
• Jeremy Hunt denies austerity is causing problems in the NHS

“Patients and staff will have serious concerns about these remarks and have a right to know whether you remain of this view,” he asked at the time.
Mr Hunt: Junior doctor strike live: NHS bosses back Jeremy Hunt. Hunt has since repeatedly said he believes in the principles of the NHS. He says the Conservatives are “the party of the NHS” !!!The book can be read in full online here.
Junior Doctors' StrikeNHSJeremy Hunt

JD background costs-

In the UK-plus costs of rotation to widespread Trusts...

“All these professional registration fees are mandatory and cost in excess of £3000. I am obliged to hold private indemnity insurance-a further £1500 annually…
Continued professional development, CPD, mandated by GMC costs yet more, and exhorbitant non designated parking fees-thousands of pounds a year.

In New Zealand all of this is covered by the hospital. Junior Doctors get a hot meal every day for free, more mandatory rest periods, more annual leave and non-clinical time to allow work on other medical projects. Work life balance is valued…
(Dr Neil Barnard, Why Cant I see My GP)

Evil policies being forced through:
-Underfunded NHS and Social Care
-lead to frontline staff shortages
-PAs, AAs being forced on the NHS, Hospitals, GPs: ARRS fund should allow practices to recruit useful real doctors, not useless PAs. Risk is being struck off the GMC Doctor’s register...

The Tories, helped by Labour, realise they can force through any policy, totally ignoring the patients, frontline workers and campaigners who can do sweet FA about it…

NHS Dentistry

With the capped system of Units of Dental Activity (UDAs,-yoodahs) government have their ideal system:
-They can say dentists can treat under the NHS-but few dentists are prepared to at those fees
-same payment for simple amalgam as complex white composite
-same fee for one as for several etc
-fined if treat too many
-fined if treat too few

An ideal capped system pretending to be available

private extraction £40-£200
Filling £60-120
Crown £400-£1100
Chrome dentures £600

The BDA have never stated what would bring private dentists back to the vile NHS-
they seek a “weighted capitation” system

real dentists want an item of service for necessary treatment (probably excluding crowns-government unwilling to afford even £100 for a cast chrome cobalt crown)

Politicians line is “As long as it is free at the point of use, using the private sector doesn’t matter”
It does matter:
-Profit taken at every and several levels for Shareholders, CEOs, managers
-Worse results
-Takes team from the realNHS
-Destroys real NHS teams and services
-Takes taxpayers money to profiteer companies
-The real NHS sorts out all the complexities
-The profiteers only take the simpler cases
-Have no Intensive Care Units-ship critical patients back to the real NHS...
-They leave the NHS with the complicated remains,
-costs more with reduced staff, beds, nurses, resources

Governments rarely twig which policies are seen as unwise, bigoted, corrupted or extreme right or left wing
Dealings with EU,
Brexit mishandling-now allows them to ignore, break or bend any rule or regulation
Rwanda and immigration controls
NHS privatisation
Social care privatisation, means tested
Gas, electric, rail, privatisation
Inflation control-cut private companies salaries...
Management of the publicly funded NHS
Benefits handling- the nasty parties…
Alliances with external countries
Foreign policies
support for Israel
Spying our bank accounts
Benefits means tested
Water treatment
Tax havens
Tax policy for mega rich
Pay restriction for NHS, Care workers

A hospital’s greatest asset is its workforce...
After that, the hospital’s land and estate…
Trusts (there’s an oxymoron!) were ordered to sell off land-an increasing asset- which all hospitals need for
-Enlarged A&E, assessment pods "prior to discharge",
-Enlarged ward capacity, oncology, diagnostic buildings
-Free designated parking
-Motorhome serviced pitches for forced rotation junior doctors (pre consultants)

Can a small island like the UK afford and house too many people?
Birth control-Visas for immigrants…?


Foundation Trusts: finances are paramount

Foundation Trusts are businesses, trying to remain in the black, and need to protect their reputations at all costs- to win contracts for treatment and operations.
If their reputation becomes so bad that no purchaser purchases, their balance sheet goes into the red.

Any whistleblower exposing risky care is unwanted, to be silenced at all costs.
Hunt in his self praise book Zero, says whistleblowers should be allowed to expose problems- but Trust managers have used every trick in the book to silence and deter whistleblowers: leading to breakdowns, depression, suicide, loss of income, suspension, leave the NHS… Repeated referral to GMC,

Their treatment is criminally evil

Midwives are leaving in droves because they cannot provide safe treatment. Understaffed, bullied, discord with Consultants, underpaid- who can blame them.
Bursaries should be resumed, not £6000 tuition fees
Full pay restoration
More training places-as criminally avoided by Tories

The General Medical Council
GMC should not be coerced to register PAs, AAs., which should not exist.

GPS need more than 2% uplift. Afford change awarded 6%
Medical inflation 10%
General inflation 6%
Many leave, emigrate, retire, part time, burnt out

This government always claim record funding- but Di dos £37billion, Mone’s PPEpe included
In real terms, per population, funding is reduced, austerity on steroids.

Foundation Trusts: finances are paramount-overruling good patient care-as in Mid Staffs

Tax needs to rise, not cut
Help Ukraine
Ring fenced 3% tax starting at age 40 for Social Care, Care Home staff
Full pay restoration
Proper funding for new GP recruitment
GP practice-now in desperate straits-GPs seriously considering full strike, leaving the NHS

Most Trusts forbid frontline workers, of any level, speaking to the media.

Trusts want to preserve their “good reputation” and punish whistleblowers.In maternity, many midwives leave because care is dangerous and unsafe.
Staff should be able to constructively critics
Use, suggest improvements.
Arguments between managers, consultants, anaethetists, midwives, obstetricians should never occur- constructive synergy being best.Most harm is not caused by uncaring staff, but by understaffing, underfunding.
After the inquiry, Mid Staffs invested more in staff, but then went into special measures…Many campaigners have been writing to the Tory government for years- usually getting absolutely no reply or acknowledgement.
The Tory strategy and policies over fourteen years have resulted in the NHS and Social Care homes being in absolute downhill crisis.

Tory waste (£37bn Dido’s no test no trace, Mone’s PPE scandal, gross underfunding, privatisation, GPs leaving, JDs leaving) combined with funnelling taxpayer’s cash to their cronies
Humongous salaries and bonuses to their pals, CEOs in energy, water etc mean that the Tories must go!

Wes Streeting is equally a grave threat to the NHS- more outsourcing, waste to the private sector: worth voting Tory in his constituency to evict him.

End purchaser provider
End overseas tax havens
Tax oil higher
Tax Amazon, Google correctly
Recover Di do’s £37bn
Recover Mone’s PPE monies
End privatisation and outsourcing
Full pay restoration
Increase GP funding- URGENT!
Tax the rich and poor at the same % rate
Vote Tories out Wipe out!
Vote Streeting out! Wipe out!
Vote Greens in (if they have a realistic chance!)

Taxes can rise- tax cuts are insane at this point!

Next covid pandemic, superbug pandemic

Has there been any preparation for the next pandemic?
Is there now a store of PPE?
Is there a database of logistic companies to supply, store and distribute drugs, vaccines and PPE?
Has planning been carried out for handling the pandemic?
Is there a pandemic task group, regardless of next government?
Is there a pandemic Czar ready to assume overall control?


Foundation Trusts are businesses, trying to remain in the black, and need to protect their reputations at all costs- to win contracts for treatment and operations.
If their reputation becomes so bad that no purchaser purchases, their balance sheet goes into the red.

Any whistleblower exposing risky care is unwanted, to be silenced at all costs.
Hunt in his self praise book Zero, says whistleblowers should be allowed to expose problems- but Trust managers have used every trick in the book to silence and deter whistleblowers: breakdown, depression, suicide, loss of income, suspension, leave the NHS… Repeated referral to GMC,

Their treatment is criminally evil

Midwives are leaving in droves because they cannot provide safe treatment. Understaffed, bullied, discord with Consultants, underpaid- who can blame them.
Bursaries should be resumed, not £6000 fees
Full pay restoration
More training places-as criminally avoided by Tories

GMC should not be coerced to register PAs, AAs.

GPs need more than 2% uplift. Afford change awarded 6%
Medical inflation 10%
General inflation 6%
Many leave, emigrate, retire, part time, burnt out

This government always claim record funding- but Di do’s £37billion, Mone’s PPE included
In real terms, per population, funding has been reduced, austerity on steroids.

Tax needs to rise, not cut
3% tax starting at 40 for S care
Full pay restoration
Proper funding for new GP recruitment
GP practice needs URGENT FUNDING